
Adopt an olive tree

By adopting an olive tree from Villa Zottopera you are ensured a high-quality product and will also help us keep our cultural and gastronomic traditions alive. We will welcome you to our estate and we will show you the pruning, cultivation, harvesting and milling techniques, that is, all the necessary operations to get our magnificent olive oil.

Choose from our 1400 plants: the olive tree adopted will have a wooden plaque with the name of the person you want to dedicate it to. Furthermore, with the adoption you will receive:

  • Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, produced in the current year from the olive tree, which will be sent to you at home in the package of your choice;

  • a document certifying the adoption of the olive tree;

  • digital photos via email of the tree adopted during the various seasons, from flowering to binding to ripening to finally pruning.

During the harvesting period, by booking via telephone , you can spend a day at our estate , where you will assist in the morning harvesting the olives and in the afternoon the milling of the same, so that you can collect your oil directly in the oil mill in the quantity and in the formula of your choice.

05/03/2020 Experiences
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